Philadelphia, PA| 646-408-0655 | ymorahg@gmail.com| Linkedin.com/in/yoav-morahg
Experienced Java programmer with over 16 Years of experience in developing web applications and over 25 years in the industry, now working as a bootcamp instructor.
Java Instructor, Tech Elevator, Philadelphia, PA
Deliver Java, SQL, Web API, HTM, CSS, JavaScript, Vue.js instructional material — Mentor students who are reskilling themselves to be entry level software developers — Work closely with other instructors and members of other teams to provide great outcomes for students
Technologies/Tools: Java, Spring Boot, REST, JSON, JUnit, JavaScript, Vue.js, HTML, CSS, SQL, git/GitHub/BitBucket/GitLab, Eclipse, IntelliJ Idea, PostgreSQL, Postman, Visual Studio Code
MARCH 2007 – AUGUST 2020
Senior Software Engineer, Core Digital Media , Playa Vista, CA
Write, test, and maintain code using various development tools and frameworks — Develop microservices to support web applications using APIs which use REST and JSON — Provide support to internal clients
Participate in meetings to review requirements, discuss potential issues and solutions, and plan weekly development tasks
Work with external partner developing trafficking API simultaneously with internal development on project to ensure all API functionality needed has been implemented and works correctly — Provide training and support to new members of the development team as they come on board — Technologies/Tools: Java, Spring/Spring Boot, Hibernate, REST, JSON, JUnit, Mockito, JavaScript, AngularJS, HTML, CSS, SQL, Apache Maven, git, Splunk, Eclipse, IntelliJ Idea, Oracle, JBoss
Programmer, Boyle Software , New York, NY
Developed, tested, and maintained code for ClassesUSA website and lead delivery system
Acted as technical liaison for affiliate program managers
Reverse engineered code and used what was discovered to write technical documentation to be used by affiliate program participants
Participate in meetings to review requirements, discuss potential issues and solutions, and plan weekly development tasks
Built and deployed website weekly
Technologies/Tools: Java, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, JTSL, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, Velocity, SQL, Apache Maven, Perforce, Eclipse, Oracle, JBoss
APRIL 2000 – OCTOBER 2006
Senior Software Engineer, Gist Communications, New York, NY
Coded and maintained dynamic website, interactive television applications for large satellite company in Canada, and client/server cell phone applications
Performed research on interactive television applications
Acted as tech lead on interactive television application project
Worked closely with interactive television middleware company developing API for satellite company
Participated in daily conference calls with middleware provider and client representatives — Led on-site testing of interactive television application at satellite company’s facility — Assisted in developing product requirement documents, reviewing documents, and providing feedback during document lifecycle
Technologies/Tools: Java, SQL, JSP, JavaScript, HTML, Apache Tomcat, Struts, SQL Server, MHP, Open Cable, OpenTV SDK, C, J2ME, Java Servlets, WebTV, Liberate
FEBRUARY 1997 – APRIL 2000
Upper Middle Software Engineer, iXL Enterprises (formerly Smallworld Software) , New York, NY — Coded dynamic websites
Documented company’s proprietary application server libraries
Created HTML pages utilizing custom tags from company’s application server libraries
Created scripts for parsing and managing data coming in from external data feeds — Designed and implemented database schema for various projects
Wrote proposals and technical specifications for projects feedback during document lifecycle
Technologies/Tools: C++, SQL, HTML, Perl, Oracle, Hughes mSql, Netscape Application
Front Desk Volunteer, William Way Community Center, Philadelphia, PA
University Of Wisconsin - Madison, WI Bachelor Of Arts, Linguistic